Editorial 60




Still immersed in the effervescence of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of DeporVida magazine, today we present our 60th edition. The support we have received from researchers, readers and collaborators during these two decades are a testimony to the power of our publications and the importance of the platforms that promote it.

The 32nd Book Fair was also recently held in Holguín, a memorable event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of our publishing label Conciencia Ediciones, a setting where the university community came together to honor and recognize the tireless commitment of a team of excellence.

The new selection of titles that we propose in this edition marks another step forward in our continued commitment to offering quality and interesting content for everyone. From practical guides to in-depth reflections and explorations, we cover a wide range of physical culture topics from various perspectives.

The article Ecuadorian folk dance for the socio-cultural inclusion of students of nationalities and indigenous peoples in Physical Education focuses on Ecuadorian folk dance as a means to integrate indigenous students in the class, with the proposal of a program developed taking into account takes into account the limitations that these students may present in their academic performance.

As an example of the interest in pediatric patients, the work Diagnosis of physical-motor disability in pediatric patients in a rural community context is presented, in which the need for a diagnosis to be made in time and with the involvement of the greatest possible number of important community actors, including the family doctor, therapists and graduates in Physical Culture, who intervene in the treatment and rehabilitation of these patients.

Basic exercises for teaching nunshakus in martial arts refers to learning the use of nunshakus in martial arts, it proposes exercises that favor the teaching-learning process of this technique and show an advanced step in the use of weapons in martial arts.

Of great importance for teachers is Work stress and burnout in university teachers, a study aimed at systematizing the theoretical assumptions on work stress and burnout, a common aspect in all educational organizations and institutions, but with emphasis on university teachers.

Didactic actions to raise the quality of life of mastectomies women proposes actions that benefit rehabilitation from therapeutic physical culture, taking into account the need to provide care to these women to raise their quality of life, through work with inclusive therapeutic physical exercises, yoga and tai chi.

In general, this issue constitutes a source of valuable information for everyone, we hope you enjoy it.

The DeporVida editorial team once again expresses its sincere gratitude for your support during these two decades of growth, and invites you to continue with us, inspiring and educating through the written word.


Annys Dayami Mora Hernández, general editor

Lisbeth Martínez Freeman, assistant editor

Anabel La O Bacallao, traductor