Editorial 55



The 2023 finally begins and DeporVida has decided to inaugurate it with fresh improvement projects such as its preparation for its indexing in new data bases, the strengthening of its ties with other national journals of similar topics and the creation of spaces that allow the quality of writing and research of professors to be increased in order to enrich the editorial repository.

In this new year, the journal also celebrates 19 years of its creation and offers the reader its 55th issue. Sincere gratitude to the editorial team and to all of those who each day cooperate with DeporVida in the interest of its development.

Articles included in this issue focus on different themes such as specific methodological proposals, clinical researches, and approaches to sports like soccer, athletics and chess.

An approach to the history of the Faculty of Physical Culture "Manuel Fajardo", University of Holguín depicts the history of the faculty and its impact on the university community, highlighting the commitment of its processes to keep up with the period and the universities of its time.

The authors of The prevention of occupational diseases that affect the Physical Education teacher propose the counseling of directors and teachers of Physical Education, from the point of view of psychopedagogy, in order to develop a preventive process of such ailments in the educational centers.

On the other hand, Methodological guidelines II for the management of virtual environments: English subject at the University of Physical Culture exposes the characteristics of the technological and organizational component that along with those of the pedagogical and human resources components have a guiding character and serve as a specific operational model to promote the virtual academic management of the subject and Didactic components and their relations in the process of defensive technical-tactical preparation of soccer players focuses on responding to the needs declared in the national and provincial strategies of soccer, as well as to the technological demands concerning this sports’ didactic.

And like this another year of the journal begins, and its editorial team embraces it with renewed enthusiasm hoping for the satisfaction and benefit of its authors and readers. May this period bring greater research tenacity and innovative solutions in the face of scientific problems. Happy New Year!


Lorena Susel Velázquez Fraga, assistant editor.

Annys Dayami Mora Hernández, general editor.

Xiomara Coello Díaz, traductor.