Editorial 57



The present issue brings sincere wishes for the success of the team of Conciencia Ediciones on the occasion of its ninth anniversary, which will be celebrated on August. Congratulations also to everyone who cooperates in order to achieve the everyday goals of this renowned publisher representative of the University of Holguín.

The issue in question proposes the article Methodological workshops for the treatment of communication skills in the Physical Culture major faculty with CTS perspectives. This article is of great interest since it presents a system of workshops as an educational technology that allows, from the academic institution, to improve the communication skills of the professors of the faculty under study. The proposal Technology and creativity: its importance in the university educational context of Physical Culture presents readers with the opportunity to reflect upon the importance of technology in order to foster creativity in the university context.

Meanwhile, Adapted swimming program for the motor development of children with Down syndrome extends an invitation to learn about the characteristics of the development of a program that facilitates the inclusion and adaptation of children with Down syndrome in the Club César Jiménez Lascano of Guayaquil. Sports activities adapted for the social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities, on its part, provides adapted movement activities from the Special Olympics to promote the social inclusion of people with these disabilities.

Multiple articles deal with specific sports: the growth of tennis in the Ecuadorian context, the practice of extreme sports in Río Canímar, the training of volleyball athletes and an overview of athletics in Mozambique.

Overall, the present issue of the journal DeporVida represents a contribution that gathers topics of interest for professors and researchers in their different fields of action. It is up to the readers to benefit from the present publication.

Lorena Susel Velázquez Fraga, assistant editor

Annys Dayami Mora Hernández, general editor

Xiomara Coello Díaz, traductor