Editorial 59



The year 2024 arrives and DeporVida magazine receives it with its 59th edition. We want everyone to have 366 days filled with health, love, peace, joy, and much wisdom to accept and successfully overcome the new challenges that will come both personally and professionally.

This is also the beginning of another academic year, a time of renewal and expectations that invites us to reflect on the path traveled and anticipate new opportunities and challenges.

With this first issue, we also celebrate 20 years of shared knowledge and experiences. Our gratitude and congratulations go out to all the researchers, readers, and editorial team who, during these two decades, have shaped and enriched the very soul of our magazine with their contributions. Their dedication and effort have been the driving force behind each edition.

As we toast to these 20 years of shared successes, we eagerly look forward to continuing this journey together. May the coming years continue to be a space for fruitful collaboration, continuous growth, and the celebration of the collective wisdom that all of you bring.

For this first edition of 2024, 12 articles have been prepared that not only highlight the relevance of sports and physical culture in the University community, but also how these disciplines impact the life of many people.

If you wish to learn about the benefits of physical activity in people with special needs, these three articles are for you:

"Physical activity and its benefits in children with Down syndrome: a systematic review", whose main objective is to analyze the benefits of physical activity and its contribution to overall development in children with Down syndrome. The research results indicate that physical activity benefits children by providing them with physical, emotional, cognitive, motor, and social benefits, thus promoting their integration to face new challenges independently, which enhances their overall well-being.

"Social impact of science and technology in recreational physical activities for physically disabled individuals", seeks to reflect on the importance of physical-recreational activities for people with physical-motor disabilities from a technological perspective, with the aim of achieving inclusion in community physical activities.

The article "Games to work on basic motor skills in schoolchildren with autism" is the result of research carried out on schoolchildren from the special school Haydée Santamaría Cuadrado in the municipality of Holguín. Games were applied to work on basic motor skills in schoolchildren with autism, and the main results of the research affirm the need for implementing these games in these schoolchildren. Additionally, they constitute a valuable reference material for researchers and other individuals interested in the topic.

Various topics are addressed, and we recommend the reader to explore: "Gamification in the teaching and learning of basic gymnastics in students of Basic General Education" and "Incidence of an exercise system in the effectiveness of tactical actions in U18 category soccer players". For boxing enthusiasts, we offer "Sporting deconditioning in boxing enhanced by equine-interaction-prophylaxis", a research that aims to develop an educational strategy based on a model of equal nature for enhanced deconditioning with equine-interaction prophylaxis, using the horse as a changing element.

With the article "Biomechanical comparative analysis of the technique of the national Cuba racewalkers", values are incorporated into the research that constitute a valuable contribution for coaches in that sport. Likewise, the article "Miniathletics, an alternative for the selection of potential talents in mountain communities" leads to the design of a tool for improvement in the search for potential sports talents.

We hope that this new issue of DeporVida is of interest and enjoyment for everyone. Happy New Year! With gratitude and enthusiasm,

Lisbeth Martínez Freeman, assistant editor

Annys Dayami Mora Hernández, general editor

Xiomara Coello Díaz, traductor