Information processing in university students of physical activity and sports


  • Víctor Fabricio Ortiz Aldean Central University of Ecuador. Ecuador.
  • Jorge Luis Mateo Sánchez Central University of Ecuador. Ecuador.
  • Nelson Rafael Otañez Enríquez Central University of Ecuador. Ecuador.


cognitive psychology; model; cognition; information processing; memory


The theory of information processing is part of cognitive psychology, which can be defined as a system of operations that takes place in the mind and brain, understanding language as a system of operations in which the inputs (outputs) are the result of the application of these operations on representations from the inputs. As an integral part of human life, it is essential for health, since it contributes to the achievement of stable physical and emotional levels. This is why different authors, researchers and experts in cognitive psychology insist on the importance of information processing in human beings. This is why different authors, researchers and cognitive psychologists insist on the importance of the theory of information processing, from childhood to adulthood, of all people in a general sense and especially in university students, with the purpose of raising awareness among individuals about the importance of the different types of memories that. They are part of the human architecture, hence the objective of this work is to systematize the theoretical and methodological bases of the theory of information processing in university students of physical activity and sports, for which scientific articles and books with recognized fact bases were taken into account.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Aldean, V. F. ., Mateo Sánchez, J. L. ., & Otañez Enríquez, N. R. . (2024). Information processing in university students of physical activity and sports. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(2), 166–182. Retrieved from