Basic exercises for teaching nunshakus in martial arts


  • Luciano Gálvez Tejeda Dirección Municipal de Deportes en Gibara, Holguín
  • Reynaldo Estrada Cingualbres Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Escola Superior de Ciências do Desporto (ESCIDE)
  • Gregorio Manjate Escola Superior de Ciências do Desporto (ESCIDE)
  • Alejandro Martin Moro Univerity of Holguin


martial arts; nunshakus; exercises; teaching


The monograph is related to learning the nunshakus technique in martial arts. Reality indicates the need to look for accessible paths to the sciences applied to sports to carry out a study of the theoretical and methodological foundations that support the set of proposed exercises. The objective of this article is that this exercise proposal favors the teaching-learning process in the use of nunshakus in martial arts. This allowed us to delve deeper into the way in which the teaching-learning process of nague-waza (projection techniques) was studied. In the research, scientific methods were applied at a theoretical level: analytical-synthetic, and inductive-deductive; as empirical such as: documentary review, observation, research and interview, as well as statistical-mathematical methods, especially descriptive and inferential statistics that corroborated its application in practice. The coaches and teachers who participated in this research stated that this proposal is also a starting bridge that can be extended to other martial arts.


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How to Cite

Gálvez Tejeda, L., Estrada Cingualbres, R., Manjate, G., & Martin Moro, A. (2024). Basic exercises for teaching nunshakus in martial arts. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(2), 34–48. Retrieved from