Training load of the volleyball with the rating of perceived exertion scale


  • Nelson Kautzner Marques Junior Pesquisador Independente


volleyball; motor skills; athletic performance; load; periodization


The trainer can measure intensity with the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale. Through of the RPE scale, it is possible to make mathematical calculations to determine the internal load (IC), the monotony of the loads, and the strain of the loads. The results of the RPE scale applied in mathematical calculations are accurate to monitor IC, several volleyball coaches and physical trainers use this content during the season. The objective of the review was to present some volleyball studies on IC using the RPE scale. The studies in this review were collected from Google Scholar and Research Gate during 2019 to 2023. The results on IC were presented in four different parts for better understanding of the reader. The main results of the review article were the following: the preparatory period has a higher IC than the competitive period, the mesocycle of the preparatory period has a higher IC than the competitive period, the increase in the number of sets played causes greater intensity in the match, and the volleyball game has a higher IC than other types of training. In conclusion, volleyball IC is important content to monitor the training.


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How to Cite

Kautzner Marques Junior, N. (2024). Training load of the volleyball with the rating of perceived exertion scale. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(2), 145–165. Retrieved from