Video analysis technique with KINOVEA. Potentials and results of its use in sport in East Timor


  • Julio César Pérez Suzarte National University Timor Leste
  • Carlos Manuel Fuentes Martínez Universidad Nacional Timor Leste
  • Francisco Barbosa Pereira National University Timor Leste
  • Sofonias Soares National University Timor Leste
  • Maria Lia Felizarda Freitas National University Timor Leste


In the current context in which sports is developed worldwide, movement analysis software is widely used to carry out video analysis of the execution of physical sports actions, a technique used very effectively in the development of research in the field. sport, since it allows the study of sports technique at a qualitative and quantitative level, from the description of the movements, the establishment of its structuring in phases and evaluation of the indicators that characterize it. The objective of this work is to systematize the potential of the KINOVEA software for the contribution to sports technical improvement and the precision of its application in the sports prioritized in Timor Leste, boxing, athletics, beach volleyball, karate and swimming. To achieve the declared purposes, methods at a theoretical, empirical and statistical level were used, which made it possible to objectively substantiate the potential of movement analysis software in physical activity and sport, as well as obtain the results of its analysis. application in the priority sports movement of Timor Leste, aimed at contributing to technical improvement in the execution of physical sports actions and achieving better sports results at an international level.


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How to Cite

Pérez Suzarte, J. C. ., Fuentes Martínez, C. M. ., Barbosa Pereira, F. ., Soares, S. ., & Felizarda Freitas, M. L. . (2024). Video analysis technique with KINOVEA. Potentials and results of its use in sport in East Timor. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(3), 57–70. Retrieved from