Offensive Tactical Actions in 13-15-year-Old Fencers


  • Zenaida Herenia Rodríguez Hernández University of Holguin
  • Miguel Angel Avila Solis University of Holguin
  • Yuslenin Hernández López University of Holguin


diagnostic; offensive tactical capability; tactical actions; offensive tactical skills; fencers


Over decades, Holguin has been among the first three positions in sword (fencing) national competitions. However, since 2019, the competition results have decreased due to the need to adapt to the new competing forms regarding knowing how to think, create, and answer every match. Individual or team instant tactical plans are taught to fencers within tactical training; this is a difficult and necessary task for its incidence in combat. Individual épée(sword) classes must teach from combat situations how to perceive the right moment to double attacks and obtain as a result, an effective tactic to touch and advantage opponents in combats to take the lead in scores, to break tactical links and decide the match. This research diagnoses tactical offensive training. It lasted six months, and eight athletes participated from the 13-15-year-old category. They study at the Beginning Sports School (EIDE by its Spanish acronym) in Holguin. Research methods and techniques were applied. The results stated the need to develop individual offensive tactical skills in these fencers


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández, Z. H. . ., Avila Solis , M. A. ., & Hernández López , Y. . (2024). Offensive Tactical Actions in 13-15-year-Old Fencers. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(3), 32–43. Retrieved from