Soccer offensive tactical training at Ferroviário da Beira Club, Mozambique


  • Rita Albertina Magul Universidade Eduardo Modlane
  • Reynaldo Juan Estrada Cingualbres Universidade Eduardo Modlane
  • Alfonso López Taureaux Universidad de Holguín
  • Manuel Eugenio Miyares González Instituto de Comunicación e Imagen de Mozambique
  • Ismael Xavier Bacar Universidade Eduardo Modlane


tactical; training; offensive; soccer


The offensive tactical training in soccer players in Mozambique is an essential issue that requires being reoriented and improved through strong psychological preparation and practice of such training process. These aspects are barely treated with the required quality levels. This research is developed with Beira´s main local and national team, Ferroviario da Beira Club. The 14-15-year-old- male category was analyzed. 15 soccer players constitute the sample, which represents the 68.18 %. They were chosen intentionally, taking into consideration their participation as starter and substitute players. The years playing together in the team were also considered. This research aims to apply offensive tactical exercises to improve the tactical behavior of these players. Research methods and techniques were applied to implement a system of feasible exercises regarding the experts’ criteria. Its feasibility was demonstrated through a pedagogical pre-experiment including pre and post-tests. It was implemented with a single group in the academic year 2022-2023. Their offensive-tactical knowledge and the assessment of the object of study variables were crucial. The program SPSS, in its version 21.0, allowed data processing. It was proved that the proposal constitutes a feasible way to solve the problem stated.


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How to Cite

Albertina Magul, R., Estrada Cingualbres, R. J., López Taureaux, A., Miyares González , M. E. ., & Xavier Bacar, I. (2024). Soccer offensive tactical training at Ferroviário da Beira Club, Mozambique. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(3), 71–80. Retrieved from