Historic sketch of the Taekwondo at Manabí Province (part 1)


  • Jack Alain Delgado- Delgado Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro
  • Esteban Juan Pérez- Hernández Universidad de Holguín. Facultad de Cultura Física


The sketch on the history of Taekwondo in the Manabí province" us details so you will see the form in which I get Taekwondo to our country, to the province of Manabí, who were the first practitioners; their displacement in the province; achievements at the national level and internationally; the martial preparation methods that existed upon arrival to this province and the difference with current methods.

Keywords. History, Taekwondo, periodization


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Author Biography

Esteban Juan Pérez- Hernández, Universidad de Holguín. Facultad de Cultura Física

Doctor en Ciencias de la cultura Física

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How to Cite

Delgado- Delgado, J. A., & Pérez- Hernández, E. J. (2018). Historic sketch of the Taekwondo at Manabí Province (part 1). Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 15(35), 149–168. Retrieved from https://deporvida.uho.edu.cu/index.php/deporvida/article/view/436



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