Some considerations of lifting of weights about adapted physical activities


  • Armando Pascual Andreu-Causillo Facultad de Cultura Física. Holguín
  • Noelvis Alvarez-García Facultad de Cultura Física
  • Ramón Martínez-Martínez INDER Granma


The attention to the adapted physical activities is one of the main objectives of the Physical Culture as a matter of knowledge when promoting the full equality of man and the good physical, mental functioning. The incorporation to the sport activities is the main objective of this research work, in which a strategy is elaborated to improve the autopercepción of the physical activities in the motor |physical disabilities|. In the development of this investigation, we chose a sample of 2 physical disabilities belonging motors. It were used as theoretical methods, the analysis-synthesis, the historical thing-logician, the inductive method- deductive as for the techniques and the used empiric methods depose the revision of official documents and the technical employees were: the inquiry and the observation. Applying a strategy that it improves the perception edict of the physical |disabilities to the sport activities they receive in the community school is the objective of our investigation. The results that we obtained through the diagnose and the characterization to the investigated tasted the effectiveness of the investigation.

Key words: perception edict, sport activitie physical disabilities motors


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How to Cite

Andreu-Causillo, A. P., Alvarez-García, N., & Martínez-Martínez, R. (2019). Some considerations of lifting of weights about adapted physical activities. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 16(42), 61–73. Retrieved from



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