Methodological workshops for the treatment of communication skills in the Physical Culture career faculty with CTS perspectives


  • Kenislay Almira Reyes Centro Universitario Municipal Frank País
  • Gerardo Labañino Turro Dirección Municipal de Deportes Frank País
  • Yariela Jardínez Rill Dirección Municipal de Deportes Frank País
  • Yuneisi Ramírez Delgado Dirección Municipal de Deportes Frank País
  • Israel Azaharez Fuentes Centro Universitario Municipal Frank País


methodological wokshops, communicative skills, cloister of physical culture


It was found that the Physical Culture teacher must have the ability to communicate effectively, either during the educational process or in their actions in the communities. Communication skills have been associated to the components and functions of communication in the educational teaching process, in response to shortcomings detected in the diagnosis made to teachers of the Physical Culture career of the Frank País Municipal University Center; A system of methodological workshops was developed as educational technology that makes it possible, from the school institution, to improve the communication skills of the teachers of the cloister under study. For its preparation and application, theoretical level methods such as analysis-synthesis were used to integrate all the information contained in the bibliography related to the need to correctly use communication skills at the higher level of education. From the empirical level, the participant observation method was used through visits to classes, as well as the application of interviews and surveys to teachers and students. Its relevance and effectiveness in the educational teaching process was corroborated through consultation with experts, say career coordinator and specialist teachers in the discipline of languages.


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How to Cite

Almira Reyes, K. ., Labañino Turro, G., Jardínez Rill, Y., Ramírez Delgado, Y., & Azaharez Fuentes, I. (2023). Methodological workshops for the treatment of communication skills in the Physical Culture career faculty with CTS perspectives. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(3), 32–43. Retrieved from



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