Adapted swimming program for the motor development of children with down syndrome


  • Jenniffer Solange Reyes Prieto Ponguillo Colegio de Bachillerato Técnico “Febres Cordero”
  • Jorge Luis Mateo Sánchez Universidad Central del Ecuador


Program, adapted swimming, motor development, Down syndrome


Raising the quality of life of people with disabilities is one of the most important challenges for today's society, in which adapted sport intervenes through the design of methodological proposals that consider their special educational needs of a motor, intellectual and psychological nature, however, in the César Jiménez Lascano Club of Guayaquil there is a lack of adapted swimming programs for children with Down Syndrome that respond to their motor development needs. Due to the elements raised, the objective of this research lies in developing an adapted swimming program to contribute to the motor development of children with Down Syndrome of the César Jiménez Lascano Club of Guayaquil. In the investigation, methods and techniques of the theoretical, empirical and statistical mathematical level were used, such as induction - deduction, analysis-synthesis, abstraction and generalization, document analysis, systemic-structural-functional, survey, expert criteria and empirical frequency distribution. The main contribution, in the practical order, is given in a swimming program adapted to contribute to the motor development of children with Down Syndrome, theoretically validated by the expert criteria method that provided results that demonstrate its relevance and possibilities of practical application.


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How to Cite

Reyes Prieto Ponguillo, J. S., & Mateo Sánchez , J. L. (2023). Adapted swimming program for the motor development of children with down syndrome. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(3), 1–17. Retrieved from



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