Extreme physical-recreational activities to promote adventure tourism in the “Río Canímar” Valley


  • Julio Cesar Rodríguez Ugalde Universidad de Matanzas
  • Arcelio Fernández González Universidad de Matanzas
  • Ónix Pestana Mercader Universidad de Matanzas
  • Ariel Romeu Martínez Universidad de Matanzas


recreational activities in nature; physical recreation; adventure trip


The sustained development experienced by the adventure tourism subsegment in the “Río Canímar” Valley constitutes an element of interest for the scientific community of sport and physical recreation in the Matanzas province, where background research shows a progressive interest in its practice in the lovers of recreational physical activities in natural environments and adventure. The research establishes the Canímar River Valley Protected Natural Landscape (PNP) as the main scenario, which is a Protected Area that offers the attraction of a valley of fluvial origin that emerges from both sides of the river that gives rise to its name. The study is based on different scientific methods of the theoretical and empirical levels, with the objective being: to design extreme physical recreational activities to enhance the Hard or Hard adventure tourism offer in the “Río Canímar” Valley of the Matanzas province. Its contribution lies in the fact that it is possible to conceive a proposal for innovative and sustainable activities, where the satisfaction of the needs and demands of visitors is linked to the protection and improvement of the natural spaces used.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Ugalde, J. C., Fernández González, A., Pestana Mercader, Ónix ., & Romeu Martínez, A. (2023). Extreme physical-recreational activities to promote adventure tourism in the “Río Canímar” Valley. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(3), 113–126. Retrieved from https://deporvida.uho.edu.cu/index.php/deporvida/article/view/941



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