Retrospective of Athletics in Mozambique


  • César Manuel Delgado Torres Nhamitambo Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
  • Reynaldo Juan Estrada Cingualbres Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


athletics; retrospective


The need to disseminate information and carry out a historical analysis of Athletics in Mozambique, motivated the authors to review and search for the incipient, but always important historical development of a sport that, like Soccer, Basketball and Volleyball, is also passion in the country for its elaboration, sources from various authors and specialists of the modality were sought, incorporating some parts of read texts seeking to give a logical meaning, in order to serve as an always useful means for students and other interested parties, in the expectation of being able to help find answers. About modality. The sources are diversified from consulting books, the internet and people who were passionate about and participated in sports activities in Clubs, Associations, Federations and wanted to lend their knowledge to base the training of youth in this matter. The authors used their practical and theoretical experiences as athletes and professionals, trainers or Coach for several years in the conduction and training of sports graduates at the Greater School of the Sciences the Sport (ESCIDE). It is hoped that "Retrospective of Athletics in Mozambique" will serve as a motivation and source of inspiration in the search for more knowledge about Athletics, its historical richness and the usefulness of its techniques on a day-to-day basis and become a principle of consultation for teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Delgado Torres Nhamitambo, C. M., & Estrada Cingualbres, R. J. (2023). Retrospective of Athletics in Mozambique. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(3), 127–141. Retrieved from



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