Miniathletics, an alternative for the selection of possible talents in mountain communities


  • Francisco Jesús Laurencio Alonso University of Holguin
  • Sandra Lugo Matos University of Holguin
  • Addiel Pérez Sánchez University of Holguin


project, Miniathletics, selection, talent


: The selection of potential sports talents has been a widely discussed topic, but given its level of complexity, continues to be explored nowadays. The need to perfect this process and adapt it to the characteristics of each territory was the reason that led to this investigation. The search for a possible solution led to the design of a project to promote the selection of possible sports talents in mountain communities of the La Plazuela popular council, in the athletics discipline. The study was supported by the methods induction deduction, analysis synthesis, interview, document review, user criteria. As result of the evaluation of its relevance, it was known that the users accept the proposal by qualifying all of them between very adequate, quite adequate and adequate and that the variation is not significant, which does not imply the need for changes. As a fundamental conclusion, it is proposed that the conception of a project based on Mini-Athletics makes it possible to make available to physical activity professionals an alternative tool for the selection of possible sports talents under the conditions of mountain communities


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How to Cite

Laurencio Alonso, F. J., Lugo Matos, S. ., & Pérez Sánchez, A. (2023). Miniathletics, an alternative for the selection of possible talents in mountain communities. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(1), 97–105. Retrieved from



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