Comparative biomechanical analysis of the technique of the walkers of the Cuban national team


  • Joel García Collazo
  • Manuel Antonio Mayor Francés
  • Julio Heredia Durruthy


sports walking, technique, biomechanics


Sports walking in Cuba had a notable development since it, in its historical development, was full of excellent results at the Pan-American and Central American level. However, with the passage of time, the excellent results that this discipline once had have diminished considerably. That is why the current training process requires the introduction of alternative scientific resources that are novel. The problematic situation manifests itself in the contradiction between the real state and the desired one, that is, the deficient methodological treatment for the control, analysis of the walkers' technique and the need for coaches to have a methodological tool in this regard. From the observed reality, the objective to be met in the research was determined in terms of: diagnosing the technical level of the national team walkers through a comparative biomechanical analysis. The inductive-deductive method, analysis – synthesis, documentary analysis, observation and measurement are used in the methodology used. The research incorporates values ​​for the analysis of the walkers' technique that constitute a valuable contribution as an instrument to help coaches, regarding the technical and scientific-methodological phenomenon.


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How to Cite

García Collazo, J., Mayor Francés, M. A. ., & Heredia Durruthy, J. . (2023). Comparative biomechanical analysis of the technique of the walkers of the Cuban national team. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(1), 19–29. Retrieved from



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