Impact of an exercise system on the effectiveness of tactical actions in U-18 footballers


  • Hurtado Moncayo Hurtado Moncayo
  • David Job Morales Neira


tactical principles; tactical actions; effectiveness


This work is based on the study of the theoretical foundations on the actions, exercises and tactical principles to be applied to promote tactical preparation during the 2022 second category championship, declaring the objective to determine the impact of a system of actions on the effectiveness of the tactical actions of the Club Sport Venecia under-18 category. In it, exercises and activities related to the tactical principles of penetration, mobility, spaces, coverage and offensive unity were applied, which could be corroborated in a sample of 18 footballers through a match observation protocol and a test of tactical actions. The effectiveness was corroborated through the McNemar test, which with significance values ​​of p value ˂ 0.05 demonstrated significant differences in the tactical principles evaluated before and after the proposal was applied


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How to Cite

Hurtado Moncayo, E. . ., & Morales Neira, D. J. (2023). Impact of an exercise system on the effectiveness of tactical actions in U-18 footballers. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(1), 56–70. Retrieved from



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