Physical activities to prevent disorders at an early age


  • Bárbara Rodríguez Sosa Department of Care for People with Disabilities. Third Front, Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.
  • Yanneris Castellanos Zamora Sports Directorate of Physical Education and Recreation, Third Front, Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.
  • Eliosbel de la Paz Martínez
  • Arisbel Benítez Morales Sports Directorate of Physical Education and Recreation, Third Front, Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.
  • Enigersi Llamos Mustelier
  • Yoandis Hechavarria Zamora Sports Directorate of Physical Education and Recreation, Third Front, Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.


psychomotor development; physical activities; early stimulation


The late identification of deficiencies in the psychomotor development of children has become one of the main causes of little stimulation to the baby, which aims to develop and enhance, through games, exercises, activities and others. resources the functions of the child's brain, at the same time it aims to promote the use of early stimulation activities to make the child's mental processes viable, since it enhances the functions of the aspects (cognitive, linguistic, motor and social); which aims to work on the issue of physical activities to prevent disorders at an early age. A guarantee for the future. The main methods and technique applied in the research were: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, documentary review, pre-experiment, observation and interview with parents. Among other aspects, we intend to promote documentation and design activities that, from professional performance, contain information on the early detection of psychomotor diseases in children with these deficiencies, as well as the insertion of families in said processes as a maximum guarantee for the future.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Sosa, B. ., Castellanos Zamora, Y. ., de la Paz Martínez, E. ., Benítez Morales, A. ., Llamos Mustelier, E. ., & Hechavarria Zamora , Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2024). Physical activities to prevent disorders at an early age. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(2), 62–76. Retrieved from