Cognitive-methodological corpus for projection techniques toward transition positions in judo at the Holguín Medical University


  • José Antonio Negrón Segura Holguin University of Medical Sciences
  • Miguel Angel Avila Solís University of Holguin
  • Lenia María Oro Probance University of Medical Sciences of Holguín
  • Miguel Efrén Díaz Rodríguez University of Medical Sciences of Holguín
  • Manuel Víctor Martínez Chapman University of Medical Sciences of Holguín


This work discusses a methodology designed to enhance the skills of the judo student-athletes at the Holguín Medical University related to the training process of projection techniques toward positions of transition. It includes diagnosis and planning, application and assessment, and organization of the training process of projection techniques toward transition positions in such students. The methodology is based on solid theoretical ideas and includes different methods and procedures to ensure the comprehensive development of judo athletes. The study applied theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods. The methodology comprises five projection techniques toward transition positions with their methodological orientations. It includes grip variants, combinations, defense, and most common errors. The study involved 16 athletes who used the techniques during training sessions, increasing their ability to handle the insufficiencies that arose during competitive matches. The results of this study reveal the usefulness of the presented methodology in training sessions of judo and its potential application in competitions. The methodology provides coaches and specialists with a novel approach for training sessions related to projection techniques toward positions of transition.


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How to Cite

Negrón Segura, J. A. . ., Avila Solís, M. A. . ., Oro Probance, L. M. . ., Díaz Rodríguez, M. E. ., & Martínez Chapman, M. V. . . (2024). Cognitive-methodological corpus for projection techniques toward transition positions in judo at the Holguín Medical University. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(3), 93–108. Retrieved from