Methodology for the Theoretical Preparation of Volleyball Athletes School Category


  • Jorge Luis Rodríguez Stivan Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


theoretical preparation, volleyball, sports training, school category, athletes.


The research responds to the problem related to insufficiencies in theoretical preparation during the school volleyball teaching-learning process, which limit the level of understanding and usefulness of theoretical knowledge in school volleyball players. Its objective is the elaboration of a didactic model that contemplates the relation between the internal logic of the experiential learning experiences, the competition as a didactic resource and the methodology for its implementation based on the postulates of the developer's learning, which promotes the importance of theoretical preparation in school volleyball players, which contributes to the enrichment and continuous construction of contents in correspondence with the different problematic and controversial situations that arise during teaching-learning and competition, which should be theoretically dealt with with school volleyball players, through of learning strategies that allow its true understanding. Finally, it describes the setting up of the experience in a school volleyball team at the Las Tunas Sports Initiation School in different contexts of the competition, as well as the socialized critical reflection, based on the interpretation of the data provided by the participants, methods and techniques used.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Stivan, J. L. (2023). Methodology for the Theoretical Preparation of Volleyball Athletes School Category. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(3), 96–112. Retrieved from



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