Learning sports skills in Physical Education, a view from the metacognitive


  • Félix Bautista García Gómez University of Granma, Cuba.
  • Norma Guerra Martínez University of Granma, Cuba.
  • Mairelys Morales Toboso University of Granma, Cuba.


metacognition; metacognitive resources; motor learning; sports skills.


The fundamental idea expressed in this article is that learning sports skills also requires a reflective attitude of planning and monitoring actions. Metacognitive resources should emerge as mechanisms for error detection and review of the strategy of sports skills, making compensations that are manifested in the analysis of execution and evaluative control. An important starting point is precisely the establishment of actions that promote metacognitive regulation in the learning of this type of skills and that have as their center the metacognitive resources associated with it. From the use of different methods and techniques, the diagnosis was achieved in adolescent apprentices of Physical Education of the sports skills associated with volleyball, as well as the metacognitive resources put in function of them and a proposal of concrete actions was elaborated for their development from a metacognitive perspective.


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How to Cite

García Gómez, F. B., Guerra Martínez, N., & Morales Toboso, M. (2023). Learning sports skills in Physical Education, a view from the metacognitive. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(4), 123–131. Retrieved from https://deporvida.uho.edu.cu/index.php/deporvida/article/view/959