Motor competence from psychomotor indicators in preschool childhood


  • Idania Blanco Cepero Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Juan Antonio Palacio González Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Suanly Larrinaga Correoso Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Yenia Pérez Pérez Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas


psychomotor games; motor skills; preschool childhood; motor skills; psychomotor skills


Preschool Childhood should be projected towards the stimulation of psychomotor development in infants, as a benefit for the development of motor skills and within it motor competence at this stage. The scientific problem of the study focuses on how to stimulate motor skills in preschool children in the Educa a tu Hijo Program? motor skills of preschool children from the referred program. The main methods applied were the inductive-deductive and the synthetic analytical as theoretical; Among the empirical ones, documentary analysis, survey, observation, interview, participatory techniques, user criteria, methodological triangulation and empirical frequency distribution. The population under investigation is made up of 20 children from four to five years of age from the Educate Your Child Program of the Popular Center Council, who present a motor challenge according to the parameters established for the stage. Among the main results, it is reflected that the development of the psychomotor components in the children evaluated is insufficient, evidenced in the degree of insecurity, little mastery and difficulty that they present when executing the different indicators evaluated. The promoters affirmed that the contents directed to the development of the components of psychomotricity do not allow stimulating motor competence.


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How to Cite

Blanco Cepero, I., Palacio González, J. A. ., Larrinaga Correoso , S. . ., & Pérez Pérez , Y. . . (2023). Motor competence from psychomotor indicators in preschool childhood. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 20(4), 24–35. Retrieved from