Coordination as a key factor in women's weightlifting performance: a methodological approach


  • Orielvis Ferrer Carrasco
  • Helmer Antonio Méndez Infante University of Granma
  • Noelsis Pupo-Gé University of Orient
  • Adael la O Trutie University of Oriente
  • Leannis Castañeda Hernández University of Oriente


coordination, performance, weightlifting, female


Coordination is a key performance factor in all sports, but it is particularly important in weightlifting, where lifters must perform complex and synchronized movements with precision. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between coordination and performance in female weightlifting. A group of pedagogical actions were developed to develop the coordination of female weightlifters. The results of the implementation of these actions and the training system that develops the coordination of female weightlifters were considered as new in the 13-14 age group. This reflected a greater speed in the execution of the movement and coordination. The actions were based on the theories of sports training, and theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods were used. The results of the evaluation showed their viability, and positive evaluations and results were offered on their application. The results of the evaluation showed the viability of the proposed actions and the positive results of their implementation.These results indicate that coordination is a key factor in female weightlifting. Weightlifting coaches should focus on improving the coordination of their lifters to improve performance



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How to Cite

Ferrer Carrasco, O. ., Méndez Infante, H. A. ., Pupo-Gé, N., la O Trutie, A., & Castañeda Hernández, L. . (2023). Coordination as a key factor in women’s weightlifting performance: a methodological approach. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(1), 81–96. Retrieved from



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