The physical condition in the dancers to the dance of the pedagogical headquarters Felix Varela


  • Yasser Vera Guerra University of Las Villas
  • Keylem Hernández León University of Las Villas
  • Roxana Ajuria Campos University of Las Villas


physical condition, physical performance, coordination, exercise system


Physical activity, recreation aims for the welfare of the human being, maintaining a healthy physical and mental body, prevents illness and maintains the physical condition and motor skills as well as sociabilize and create a healthy environment, both in the community and Contemporary dance has complex movements including jumps, turns and loaded, those who need good physical condition to minimize possible injuries, which can cause a certain degree of gravity. From another point of view, the deficiencies in the physical condition also attack against the beauty and coordination of the execution of the movements. Those students who by will, own aptitudes, for extension and integrality demands, form Danzarious groups without the supervision of a professional of physical culture and sport. Its practice has complex exercises and an important energy expenditure, which requires taking into account the dosage of certain exercises that are necessary to raise their physical performance. In this sense, it is essential to implement an exercise system to eliminate low levels of development in the physical condition of fond of dance, strengthen the muscle planes that intervene in this activity, which will allow them to identify the muscle groups


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How to Cite

Vera Guerra, Y. . ., Hernández León, K. ., & Ajuria Campos, R. (2023). The physical condition in the dancers to the dance of the pedagogical headquarters Felix Varela. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(1), 116–127. Retrieved from



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