Environmental benefits for practitioners of physical sports activities in mountainous environments


  • Rolvis Pérez Frómeta University of Guantanamo
  • Ana Yurima Vázquez Pérez University of Guantanamo


environment; mountainous surroundingses; urses of the race


The environmental environments in mountain areas favor physical exercise and especially the development of the race, adopting measures that promote a change in the ways of doing it, directly benefits the quality of life of those who practice it. For this reason, it is of vital importance to take advantage of the environmental potential that is present in mountainous areas where the different elements that make up the environment are integrated and make the exercise very pleasant and favoring the protection and preservation of these environments. The objective of this research is to develop recommendations to promote the quality of life of practitioners of the race in mountainous environments of the municipality of Maisí. During the study, theoretical, empirical, statistical and mathematical methods were used to determine the state of the existing problem, as well as to promote ways to solve them.


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How to Cite

Pérez Frómeta, R. ., & Vázquez Pérez, A. Y. . (2023). Environmental benefits for practitioners of physical sports activities in mountainous environments. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(1), 71–80. Retrieved from https://deporvida.uho.edu.cu/index.php/deporvida/article/view/993



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