Preparation for teachers to care for schoolchildren with scoliosis from Physical Education


  • Wili Onel García Cruz Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Daniela M. Palacio González Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Mayda Gutiérrez Pairol Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas
  • Suanly León González Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas


preparation; scoliosis; inclusive physical education


The present research is carried out in the Villa Clara province, it is based on the preparation of teachers for the educational inclusion of schoolchildren with alterations of the musculoskeletal system in the case of physical education. The research will contribute to the preparation of primary school teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren with scoliosis in physical education class. Different theoretical, empirical and mathematical and/or statistical methods were used, such as scientific observation, survey, documentary review and analysis, triangulation, pedagogical test and pre-experiment. A first population made up of 26 teachers who teach the subject at the primary educational level was used. And an intentional sample of 15 teachers who serve schoolchildren diagnosed with scoliosis. During the development of the research, it was found that there is insufficient knowledge about the process of educational inclusion, about the characteristics of the pathology and the therapeutic pedagogical procedure with scoliosis. The methodological alternative designed made it possible to increase the preparation of these professionals.


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How to Cite

García Cruz , W. O. ., Palacio González , D. M., Gutiérrez Pairol , M. ., & León González , S. . . . (2024). Preparation for teachers to care for schoolchildren with scoliosis from Physical Education. Electronic Scientist Journal Specialized in Physical Culture Sciences and Sport, 21(2), 102–116. Retrieved from