Submission of manuscripts

  1. By submitting an article, the author must certify the article is original, and that it has not been simultaneously published or sent to any other journal (originality letter).
  2. In that letter must be indicated:

The type of article it is been submitted, as well as interest area DeporVida accepts.

Attach a brief curriculum vitae in no more than 200 words, written in a paragraph indicating full name of the author, ORCID is also required (in case you do not have one; register and get one through the following link:, place of work and occupation, e-mail, teaching rank and scientific category, and the corresponding discipline. In articles with two or more authors, include at the end of the article each person´s contribution (how everyone contributed with the results’ discussions, and the final version´s approval, mainly).

  1. Likewise, the author will deliver in writing the copyright letter, where he will also declare his agreement with the work, and responsibility of all authors, contributors, editors and reviewers of the Journal DeporVida.

About the submissions accepted to be published

Original articles

This is the main publication of a scientific journal and final product of a research. Here can be found articles of sports sciences studies (teaching and research of the studies related to this topic, physical health and sports); likewise those regarding technological innovations. The Journal DeporVida prioritizes this kind of work. They are considered long articles and they have up to 6 000 words (the abstract, figures’ captions and referencing are not included), no more than eight tables or figures and up to six authors are allowed.

Review articles

They are considered as a detailed, selective and critical study including essential information in a unitary and as a whole perspective. It is a kind of scientific article which without being an original article, it compiles the most relevant information from a particular subject. Its objective is to review the bibliography published and place it within a certain perspective.

The topic of a review article is quite general comparing to research articles. Bibliography review, on the other hand, is the main product. However, really good review articles are much more than just a simple bibliography collect. Its main objective attempts to identify what it is known of the subject, what it has been researched and what aspects remain unknown.

These works are considered long articles of no more than 5 000 words (abstract, figures´ captions and referencing are not included), no more than six tables or figures and up to three authors are allowed. 

Reflection articles

They present the results of a concluded research from an analytical, interpretative or critical point of view of a specific topic.

They are short articles up to 3 000 words (abstract, figures´ captions and referencing are not included); no more than two tables or figures and up to three authors are allowed.

These articles will have the following structure: introduction, development, conclusions and references.

For more detailed information consult the section Policies.

About the assessment and publication process

      1. Submitting is the first step; the manuscript must comply with the journal´s policies (types of articles, structure, extension, referencing guidelines).

     2.Receiving a work does not imply under any circumstances that it is accepted by the Journal DeporVida.

      3. The General Editor may directly reject works submitted without consulting an external reviewer, if manuscripts are considered inappropriate for the journal and lacking the demanded quality level, does not fit the scientific objectives or because it presents evidence of scientific plagiarism.

Prior assessment of the article assures a certain quality to be considered to reject the author or send it to double-blind review process. At this level, if the article passes, then goes to the double-blind peer review process, lasting up to a month to deliver a report. 

       4. Double-blind peer review is the method used to assess the articles, which searches for a quality back up from two external reviewers with the comprehensive objective of improving the works’ demands. Reviewers are experts acknowledged in the field in question as they state their colleagues’ works. Anonymity is fundamental at this point among the participants; it means reviewers and authors do not know each other.

      5. Reviewers analyze both the quality and rigor of the presented arguments, also their feasibility, the opportunity and relevance to discuss the problem in the research area, originality and how current the issue is, clear language and easy to read and comprehend text, the use of precise terms and accurate phrases are also taken into consideration; also the ethical criteria of the authors among others included in the arbitration sheet, which are approximations of the scientific merits of the text.

During the revision, reviewers verify that there is no plagiarism or self-plagiarism in the text; other authors’ ideas must be properly referenced, as well. At the end of the perusal, reviewers indicate whether the article can be published the way it is, if it should be modified or not, or if it must be rejected.

Consult the arbitration sheet to review articles sent to be published

  1. According to the results it will be notified the assessment in a written form, which will be:

Accepted to be published

Accepted with changes


In case that one of the reviewers considers the work must not be published, then, it will be evaluated by a third reviewer, whose final report will help solve the contradiction and take a final decision in agreement with the general editor. If another conflict arises between these persons, it will be the general editor´s responsibility to decide one way or another.

If the article´s report suggests some changes, the author will be responsible to make them within a month (period established by the journal). Once the author resends the work with the suggestions accomplished, they will be verified; and if needed, it will be returned to the author again, until the document is finally correct. If the requirements are not fulfilled, the article is not published. In these cases, the acceptance date will be set from the very moment the final version was approved.

Rejecting articles is not due to the lack of quality of the works, but that they do not reach or answer to the journal´s aims and scope. Other reasons may be the cause: the contribution is not relevant, or that is very similar to other works already published.

Reviewers do not decide whether an article is published or otherwise. It is the general editor who finally decides what work must be published.

If an article were rejected, it means that it cannot be sent again to this journal.

Articles will be published as they satisfactorily fulfill the editorial process; so, they can be consulted in subsequent issues.

The on line version can be consulted in the portal of the journal DeporVida.

Click here for the double-blind review process

Click here for the style guidelines